What is the Purpose of this Study?

This study will help researchers, educators, clergy, and congregants to better understand the role of faith communities as a social support system promoting health and educational outcomes among Black adults and adolescents.


Who Can Participate in the Study? 

1) We are looking for adults who have raised an adolescent between the ages of 14-18 or adults who are currently raising an adolescent between the ages of 14-18. 

2) All participants must identify as being Black American or African American.

3) All participants must attend a predominantly Black church. 

For more information about who can join this study, please contact the study team at ppmartin@mailbox.sc.edu or uscncscblackchurchstudy@gmail.com.


What is Involved?

If you take part in this study, you will be asked to complete a very brief initial screening survey.

Once eligibility is determined, each participant will complete a survey that takes approximately 60 to 75 minutes.

Each participant will receive $50.00 for their time and effort after completing the entire survey.


Study Details

Full Title

North Carolina/South Carolina Black Church Study

Principal Investigator

Pamela Martin, PhD

Protocol Number

IRB: Pro00126096


If you are interested in this study and would like to see if you qualify, please click on the screening survey below. 








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